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Mountain Haven Counseling
Trauma Informed - Perinatal/Postpartum Distress - Anxiety - Depression - Body/Image/Food Relationship -Addictions

Oct 10, 20247 min read
A Landslide Takes Everything
When the winds leveled and the water stopped pouring from the sky, I ventured up the hill to look at our garden. My husband warned me,...
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May 20, 20213 min read
Your Belly Is NOT Your Self.
Why is the belly the go-to exploit of a woman's body, the go-to definitive of whether a woman's body is considered to be in-shape, the...
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May 20, 20211 min read
Body Image... a hyper focus on what the body looks like and what it doesn't... what it's external presentation is according to our...
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Aug 20, 20203 min read
Trust Your Baby & Trust Yourself!
"Nice pits", my nearly 2 year old son says with a smile as he digs his fingers and often sharp nails into my arm pit. I laugh, smile,...
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Aug 20, 20206 min read
Longing, Loathing, and Loving in Motherhood.
As a younger woman, *Heather had a t-shirt with the blazing title, "GIRLS KICK BUTT". Heather lived these words. She studied hard,...
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Apr 29, 20209 min read
Scars, We do Become Them.
Unlike the filters we can now use to hide our true selves (aka Instagram, Fakebook, etc..), I hid my scar in real time.
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Mar 4, 20205 min read
The Moment Gone: When Trauma Introduces you to Motherhood.
"You think you can control and predict it. You think your birth plan covers [all of the contingencies]. You think because I did yoga,...
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Feb 20, 20203 min read
Nicotine Dependence - Why Is It SOOOO Hard to Quit?
Years ago, a former client called me on the phone and said, "Helena, Guess what?". "What?", I said. "I quit smoking!", he said. I...
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Feb 13, 20204 min read
PMADs: Intrusive Thoughts and the Healing through Exposing Them.
The social worker said, "The 4th trimester is all about survival....Intrusive thoughts are normal.... If things don't get better in 2...
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Jan 16, 20204 min read
Opiate Addiction Recovery. A Reflection on Methadone Maintenance Treatment.
Years ago, I served as a therapist for clients receiving treatment at a methadone maintenance treatment center. As it was then as it is...
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